Saturday 4 February 2012


SLAMABAD - Re-equipment Ceremony of 26 Squadron of Pakistan Air Force was held at an operational PAF Base on Monday. No 26 Squadron, one of the prime squadrons of the PAF, previously equipped with A-5 III aircraft has now been re-equipped with indigenously produced JF-17 Thunder.

Air Chief Marshal Rao Qamar Suleman, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force was the Chief Guest on the occasion. A re-equipment ceremony parade was also held on the occasion, in which the squadron color was presented to the squadron commander.

Speaking at the occasion, the Air Chief said, today as we re-equip No 26 squadron, we have also raised No.16 Squadron with the JF-17 Thunder aircraft. I would like to specially mention and highly appreciate the contribution and support of our Chinese friends in helping us acquires a technological breakthrough in the shape of this aircraft.

Induction of JF-17 Thunders has revolutionized PAF’s operational concepts. Our focus has been a capability-based development rather than the traditional threat based growth. Our effort has been to enhance and sustain our capabilities to cover all spectrum of Air Warfare including Military Operations other then war, He added.

Remember, we have a mission to maintain peace with honour in this volatile region and in these uncertain Pakistan is at war, we know our responsibilities and will continue to make major contributions in our national effort. It is PAF’s commitment to the Nation that despite all odds, our resolve shall remain unshakable and we shall defend the country against any aggression, be it internal or external.

Later, a formation of A-5 III and JF-17 aircraft presented a fly-past. Ex squadron commanders of the squadron were also present at the occasion. Officials from the Ministry of Defence and Pak Army were also present at the ceremony


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