Today is birthday of Capt. Waqas Ahmed Mirza shaheed (24 FF).
He embraced shahadat in Sierra Leone helicopter crash on 29 June 2004.
In which 14 Pakistani troops including 6 officers (3 Lt. Col, 1 Major, 2
Capt.) embraced shahadat while performing their duties under the flag
of UNO.
Waqas was born on 15 Jan 1977. he joined PMA in 1995. He was eldest among 3 brothers and one sister. He always wished
Shahadat even when he was not in army. since his childhood he wished to
serve Pakistan as an army man. He wanted to be a pilot but before
joinning Aviation he embraced Shahadat on 29 June 2004. He went on UN
peace keeping mission in september 2003. he was of 27 years old at the
time of his shahadat. UN also recognized his services and award him
after his shahadat.Whole nation salutes you Waqas,you will always remain
alive in our hearts.
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