Wednesday 1 February 2012


In the profound & loving memory of Capt. Kamran Ikram ( Shaheed ) , a most beautiful person, a Brave Soldier , Outstanding companion , Tough Competitor and a shining sportsman , Most charming and gifted persona, and an all out contagious sense of humor. My S...weet friend and brother, you are sorely missed , so sorely. I regret that i couldn't call u back on reaching sweden...U had always set the bar very high in everything u did, more so even in ur passing away..You've attained ur rightful honour.You r one of a kind and the bestest friend and partner.

And seeing him last,specially since he joined Army Aviation corps, i found him very satisfied and above all happy with his new line of work,flying. Infact he loved it, All along knowing the odds and the risks. There are people who walk among us like ordinary mortals but are heroes all long, but often they give u glimpses and ...hints of their true mettle. My friend Kama, was one such person and many will testify to this.A hero.
On a personal level, most down to earth and humble with his fellas and always a Positive pillar of support , one u could bank on... An artful but excitingly rash driver of everything from his beloved Vespa, to his Old Honda 70CC, and his revered hatchback Toyota "SportsModel" 86 Corolla with " The Highway Man" inscribed in bold on its back, and not to forget his 250m Golf Swings which he fired with languid smooth elegance...He harboured a strong special devotion to his faith in Allah Almighty and practiced it too.

A charmer to the core, he could ve had Sarah Palin begging for that Hug in a record 1 min and saved some national embarrassment , given the chance.

This group is dedicated to our great friend , to his loving memory. Everybody is invited to join and share their memories of our pyara and jyala dost kami - kama - kamran ikram. lets cherish him and the spirit of his times.


saba ikram khan said...

Indeed a true n justified portrayal of his personality ,, i salute ur friendship n pray for ur success in all future endeavors brother Ziad.

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